A TypeScript library for managing barber shop appointments, built with clean architecture principles and strict type safety.
# Using bun
bun add @your-org/appointments
# Using npm
npm install @your-org/appointments
# Using yarn
yarn add @your-org/appointments
import { createAppointmentSystem } from '@your-org/appointments';
// Create an instance of the appointment system
const appointmentSystem = createAppointmentSystem();
// Schedule an appointment
async function scheduleAppointment() {
try {
const appointment = await appointmentSystem.appointments.schedule.execute({
customerId: 'customer-uuid',
serviceId: 'service-uuid',
barberId: 'barber-uuid',
startTime: new Date(),
notes: 'First time customer',
console.log('Appointment scheduled:', appointment);
} catch (error) {
console.error('Failed to schedule appointment:', error);
// Query appointments
async function getUpcomingAppointments() {
const result = await appointmentSystem.appointments.query.execute({
startDate: new Date(),
status: 'confirmed',
page: 1,
pageSize: 10,
sortBy: 'startTime',
sortDirection: 'asc',
console.log('Upcoming appointments:', result);
The library follows Clean Architecture principles with the following layers:
const appointment = await appointmentSystem.appointments.schedule.execute({
customerId: string;
serviceId: string;
barberId: string;
startTime: Date;
notes?: string;
await appointmentSystem.appointments.cancel.execute({
appointmentId: string;
cancellationReason: string;
cancelledBy: string;
await appointmentSystem.appointments.reschedule.execute({
appointmentId: string;
newStartTime: Date;
barberId: string;
rescheduledBy: string;
reason?: string;
await appointmentSystem.appointments.complete.execute({
appointmentId: string;
completedBy: string;
notes?: string;
feedback?: {
rating?: number;
comment?: string;
serviceQuality?: number;
timeliness?: number;
cleanliness?: number;
paymentStatus: 'PAID' | 'PENDING' | 'FAILED';
paymentMethod?: 'CASH' | 'CARD' | 'DIGITAL_WALLET';
The library provides built-in in-memory repositories and interfaces for implementing custom storage solutions:
interface IRepository<T> {
findById(id: string): Promise<T | null>;
findAll(): Promise<T[]>;
create(entity: T): Promise<T>;
update(id: string, entity: T): Promise<T>;
delete(id: string): Promise<void>;
interface IAdvancedRepository<T> extends IRepository<T> {
findWithFilters(filters: IFilterOptions, options?: IQueryOptions): Promise<IPagedResult<T>>;
exists(filter: IFilterOptions): Promise<boolean>;
count(filter?: IFilterOptions): Promise<number>;
findOne(filter: IFilterOptions): Promise<T | null>;
The library uses custom error classes for different scenarios:
try {
await appointmentSystem.appointments.schedule.execute(/* ... */);
} catch (error) {
if (error instanceof ScheduleAppointmentError) {
// Handle scheduling specific error
console.error(`Scheduling failed: ${error.message} (${error.code})`);
} else {
// Handle other errors
console.error('Unexpected error:', error);
# Install dependencies
bun install
# Run tests
bun test
# Build the library
bun run build
# Type check
bun run lint
git checkout -b feature/amazing-feature
)git commit -m 'Add some amazing feature'
)git push origin feature/amazing-feature
)This project is licensed under the MIT License with the Commons Clause.
For more details, see the LICENSE
For support, please open an issue in the GitHub repository or contact the maintainers.